The Danger of Bed Bugs

By | October 8, 2014
bed bug on fabric

Bed bugs are tiny insects that are found all over the world. They feed on human blood and choose to live close to places where humans sleep. Besides beddings, their favorite hiding places include furniture, clothing and, electrical appliances. They are usually transferred through contact and everyone is at risk of being bitten. Studies show that bed bugs cannot cause infection and it is a good reason to call Toronto bed bug exterminators in Toronto. In addition, a bed bug bite cannot transfer disease-causing agents. This includes the HIV virus. This however doesn’t mean that they aren’t a nuisance that needs to be controlled. The following guide discusses the danger of bed bugs to humans.

Skin irritation and possible allergic reaction

Bed bug bites usually go unnoticed. However, in instances where there are multiple bites, skin irritation and inflammation occur. This occurs as the body produces histamine as an autoimmune reaction. The affected area is usually red with tiny dark spots where the bite marks occurred. In addition, the skin might be itchy prompting scratching. Although not common, allergic reactions to the bed bug bite might cause an allergic reaction. This can resolve on its own or need medical attention.


Scratching on the affected area might result in breaking up of skin creating open wounds. The wounds leave scars as they heal.

Secondary Skin Infection

As mentioned, bed bugs aren’t known to cause any form of infection. However, the wounds that form from scratching on the skin provide the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria which can cause infection. The infection can be prevented or controlled by the use of topical antibiotics which kill any bacteria present.


These insects are active during the night as people sleep. Multiple bites during the night can result in severe itching which is enough to keep someone awake. This is especially so if the bed is infested with hundreds of these bugs.

Increased infestation

Bed bugs can live for months without feeding on blood. In addition, they can be easily transferred from one household to another. Being insects, they breed and multiply quite easily. These three factors make bed bugs one of the pests whose infestation is hard to control. Reports indicate that households claiming to have bed bug infestation has been rising fast during the past decade.

Irritation of the respiratory system

Bed bugs shed their outer skin as they grow. This skin dries up and is deposited on the beddings. Their feces are also deposited on the beddings and dry up. These can become airborne and find their way into the airways as a person breathes during sleep. If the person is suffering from a respiratory condition such as asthma, chances are that the condition might get worse.


One of the rare possible dangers of bed bugs is anemia. Feeding solely on blood, bed bugs can result in the decline of the amount of blood in the body over time. This condition usually goes undetected and is more likely to occur if the bed bug infestation is quite high.

Bed bugs usually don’t pose serious health problems. However, if they remain uncontrolled, these insects pose the above-mentioned dangers to humans.