Bed Bugs Inspection – Where to Look

By | October 10, 2014

Bedbugs are one of the most difficult pests to get rid of, and the first step to solving a problem is knowing that you have one. Visual inspection of bedbugs, bedbugs droppings or even bedbugs eggs can go a long way in helping in their extermination and also in the prevention of further infestations. Bedbugs can live in the mattress, the bed frame, in the gap behind the wall, in couches, sofas anywhere where people sleep. If you have a large colony of bedbugs, you will be able to see live bedbugs, but most people are only able to see signs of bedbugs such as bedbug skins, excrement or bloodstains.

The Bed Linen

While inspecting for bed bugs the best place to start is the bed linen. Remove all bedding sheets down to the bottom sheet. Check for blood stains or excrement. Usually, if the linen hasn’t been changed this itself is a dead giveaway of the existence of bedbugs. After you are done inspecting the bed sheets if you still suspect bedbugs soak the bedsheets in hot water for at least 20 minutes. This should kill any bedbugs or bedbugs eggs that you might have missed. Be sure to check pillow covers and seams. If there is a bedbug infestation in the pillows it’s best to dispose of them and get new ones.

The Mattress & Bed-Frame

After, this move on to the mattress. Examine the mattress surface for bedbug skins, stains, and excrement. Make sure you check along the mattress seam properly as this is the most likely place for bedbugs to hide. Use a flashlight and look closely for live bugs or bedbug skins. Flip the mattress and examine the other side with the same care. In the procedure you might disturb hiding bedbugs, so watch out for fleeing bedbugs.

The next step is to move on to the bed frame. Move the bed away from the wall and look behind it. There may be tell-tale signs such as stains on the wall. The bed frame is another important part of the bed that should be inspected properly. Bedbugs often hide in dark crevices inside the bed itself. They may have tunneled into the ply itself and can be very difficult to spot. However, you will find signs such as excrement and eggs.

Furniture & Objects near the bed

Once, you are done examining the bed, the next step is to move to the furniture surrounding the bed. Paintings, nightstands, bedside tables etc. are all good hiding places for bugs. Check their underside, the space between the wall, pull our drawers, inspect hollow stands or any dark crevice. Clocks, mirrors, under carpets, lamps, TV’s or any object close to the bed are other places you must check.

Other Places

There might be other places in the house, such as the couch or sofas, where people sleep frequently where there might be a bedbug infestation. Start from the bedroom and work outwards through the house. Bedbugs will be hiding in places you least expect them to be. Remember, if you miss even one bedbug or bedbug egg, you will have an infestation within months, so once you have confirmed the existence of bedbugs its better to call professionals and let them do their job.